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There are people who read books, and people who read code.
Reading someone else’s code is one of my favourite ways to learn new programming-related stuff, right after getting your hands dirty by actually making something.
I also try to spot errors in the code, or things that could be better written for readability.
On that subject, if you write any form of code I recommend getting the Base Code Field Guide, which is an interesting short book on writing less complex and more readable code.
For me, writing good code is not about style, neither I care for who is going to read my code in the future because being a solo maker, that’s probably me anyway.
My reasons are:
  1. It makes my business sellable. If I sell, new developers will understand my code base faster, and I will write a lot less documentation.
  1. It saves me money. If I can make my code more efficient and put less stress on my machines I’m going to process code faster and spend a lot less resources.
As you know, I preach going all in when you first start. You don’t need this at phase 0. But, if you are in maintenance mode, it makes sense to review your code regularly.
Mike Rubini

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Mike Rubini