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One of the core principles of my company is: velocity.
Velocity is declined in many ways in our day to day work: we go to market as fast as we can, we try to ship features fairly fast, we try to have a minimal turnaround time on support tickets.
I learned this from my co-founder on the Dealflow project, Ryan Kulp. I consider Ryan my mentor, not in a guru way but more in the sense that he has figured out something I have yet to figure out.
Today, I wanted to talk about why we have velocity as one of our core principles. Three reasons come to mind.
#1. The cost of communication
We try to keep our team small so that we can *do* stuff more than we can *talk* about stuff. That’s the reason we are beating our bigger competitors every time.
If a big corporation wants to build a new feature, the developer has to ask permission to the product manager, the product manager has to ask permission to his/her boss, and so on. That takes a lot of time. Time is money and eventually customers are the ones paying that cost. Not here.
#2. More opportunities
The faster you ship, the more you ship. The more you ship, the more lottery tickets you buy.
When you create something fast, you work in sprints and then move to another project. That gives you the ability to study different markets, see how they respond to your offer and how they evolve. When you answer support tickets in a timely manner, you talk with more customers and more customers become fans of yours. Then, they will proactively reach out to you and suggest new features. You understand them in a better way, and potentially find other pain points which then in turn, continue to feed this continuous cycle of shipping awesome, useful SaaS products.
#3. Creating assets vs commodities
The faster you ship, the more you ship. The more you ship, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you refine the process of creating profitable SaaS.
I’m not in the business of creating just one startup and taking it to Millions in annual recurring revenue. I’m not in that business because everyone with money, can do that. Money can buy work, but platforms can buy money.
I’m in the business of creating a platform made of processes and systems that enables me to create profitable SaaS products repeatedly. That’s a real assets, even more than a single SaaS.
Competition can indeed copy or clone one of my SaaS, but it can not copy my internal processes and systems.
Thanks for reading,